23 February 2016

A New Site

I supposed this is now officially the 'old' web site. I'm moving everything over here to the new carycaffrey.com.


  1. Hi Cary. I finished book 1 last night. Enjoyed it a lot. Better than any SF I've read in years, definitely better than any other Indie, I'm embarrassed to say. Kudos. You may have revved me up to try another SF myself. Though I think I have a couple more SEEkers and 6 Ways in me first. Cheers, Mac

    1. Hi Mac,

      Thanks so much for reading, and especially for stopping by and commenting. It's great hearing from you, and I'm so (so!) glad you enjoyed book one.

      Mostly, I'm hyped to hear you're revved for writing more SF. The world needs more good SF. There's no such thing as too much! So get at it!
